Archie | December 2015

Archie | December 2015

Archie is growing up.  Isn’t he a handsome lad? Archie loves to groom Oscar.  When the job is complete Oscar looks as though he is wearing half a jar of bed-head, and the best part, he seems to enjoy the look. Go figure! Archie wasn’t too thrilled at Christmas...
Archie | September 2015

Archie | September 2015

      Archie loves his time outdoors and heading to the beach for a good swim.  After the PADS Graduation, Archie took in the view at his favourite park. Submitted by our remarkable PADS Volunteer Puppy Raiser, Lee Ann Nestegard.
Archie | May 2015

Archie | May 2015

Submitted by our  tremendous PADS Volunteer Puppy Raiser, Lee Ann Nestegard.
Archie | February 2015

Archie | February 2015

Archie is a gregarious guy. He is a willing participant and excellent companion adventurer.  He lives by a work-hard play-hard motto. Archie has an internal 5 p.m. bell that signals his work day is over. While at work he minds his manners and offers an empathetic...
Archie | January 2015

Archie | January 2015

      Sitting on the dock of the bay. Not our favourite walk but close to work so it is where we often spend our lunch. Archie’s please rub my belly pose. Works like a charm. Submitted by our amazing PADS Volunteer Puppy Raiser, Lee Ann...
Archie | December 2014

Archie | December 2014

Meet our newest staff member at B.C. Compassion Club Society. “Please don’t interact with me. Even though I’d love to play, I am working hard to become a PADS Assistdog.”           Submitted by our awesome PADS...