Beaker | October 2017

Beaker | October 2017

Beaker had lots of off leash play time with his BFF’s Snoopy, Aster, Kylo and Kauai. We are working on walking nicely into Everett Crowley park without crying and dragging me up the hill. The photo is of Beaker rocking his Halloween costume. Submitted By:...
Beaker | September 2017

Beaker | September 2017

My raiser got me some “booties” which she says will be helpful if it snows,or if the sidewalk gets salted the salt thingys doesn’t get in my paws. But they’re purple and they feel weird!! Not sure how I’s feels about them yet....
Beaker | August 2017

Beaker | August 2017

Beaker came tile shopping with me and was great in the many stores we went to. It was also really, really hot that day and he handled himself like a trooper. We are working on small spaces and walking nicely on leash. Submitted By: Christen...
Beaker | July 2017

Beaker | July 2017

I recently had our senior vice president at work do a side by side with me. She wanted to see someone adjudicate a complex credit application from start to finish. I agreed and asked if she would be ok with Beaker being there as well. As usual there were no...
Beaker | June 2017

Beaker | June 2017

He’s met some really nice dogs and had some great runs and romps while off leash in Everett Crowley park. He is working on making himself small (hahaha) for “go-in” and holding his crackers together when he sees another dog. Submitted By: Christen...