Butter | January 2016

Butter | January 2016

Butter, aka Butters or Butterball, has learned all of her Service dog skills and is now honing more specific skills in anticipation of Team Training.  We hope to pair Butter with a client who uses a power wheelchair. Thank you to Burnaby volunteers, Ellen & Robert...
Butter | November 2014

Butter | November 2014

Butter has had a very interesting and busy month. She went for her advanced training assessment and is going on to the advanced kennels in December. When not involved in her assessment, she has attended meetings and spent some time visiting with her human and puppy...
Butter | October 2014

Butter | October 2014

Butter has had a busy couple of months.  Her raisers were away most of September so she spent her time with very kind raisers and by all accounts had a very good time.  Early October was spent settling in back at home and visiting old haunts.  Butter has also spent a...
Butter | June 2014

Butter | June 2014

Butter is expecting a relaxing summer with swimming, camping and lazy days enjoying the sun.  She loves to get together with friends for a little play time and then relax together. She is looking forward to the Pride Parade and other PADS activities. -Submitted by our...
Butter | October 2014

Butter | May 2014

Butter’s favourite food seems to be food.  She doesn’t get any people food but we haven’t found a dog treat that she hasn’t liked yet. Having said this.  When she has been a very good girl she does love a little peanut butter or cheese whiz in...

Butter | April 2014

Butter would like spring to be a little dryer as she dislikes walking on the wet grass.  In this respect she is quite the little princess!  She likes the longer days and the fact that the sun now stays on the deck longer so she can go out and lay in the sun.  She...