Gamay | January 2016

Gamay | January 2016

Gamay is friends with all the dogs in Advanced Training, especially her kennel mates Sumac and Nico II.  In fact, she’s everyone’s best friend!  Gamay is in training to be a Service dog and we’re currently working on retrieving dropped items and pulling a wheelchair...
Gamay | December 2014

Gamay | December 2014

Happy New Year Everyone! What a busy month we have had in December! I was out and about to lots of different places and was a good girl as Santa was coming! I stayed with Heidi Clarkson and her family for a couple of weeks in late November and early December. Some of...
Gamay | October 2014

Gamay | October 2014

The month of October flew by! We had a busy Thanksgiving with lots of family for dinner and I loved the smell of turkey in the house but Halloween was the best! Al took me out to walk the neighbourhood, I got to see all the trick or treaters, the fireworks and the...
Gamay | August 2014

Gamay | August 2014

I have had a great summer!  All this wonderful hot weather meant lots of time to enjoy outdoor time! In August, I went to the Abbotsford Airshow on the Friday evening and had a great time.  Enjoyed the Snowbirds, and the CF 18 Hornet demonstrations. The noise and...
Gamay | June 2014

Gamay | June 2014

We have had a great month! Highlights included visits to Victoria, Salt Spring Island and the Aquarium!  Gamay was fascinated by the whales and dolphins at the Aquarium intently watching and listening as they swam and jumped in front of her. A favorite past time is...
Gamay | May 2014

Gamay | May 2014

  Gamay’s high value treat is peanut butter.  Cartwheels and smiles for PB!  – Submitted by our fabulous PADS Volunteer Puppy Raisers, Al and Fran Boyd    

Gamay | April, 2014

Gamay loves the sunshine!  Nothing can be better than lying in the warm sun!Playing in the sprinkler! and going for long walks! Summer is on its way! Because before the warm summer days…… April showers bring May flowers, but what about March rain?For Gamay...