Larry | January 2024

Larry | January 2024

It’s still a little wet out there, but it’s not stopping Larry from having fun in the park with his friends (PADS Nessa, PADS Released Esse & PADS Released Dot.) Submitted by:...
Larry | December 2023

Larry | December 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024!  This year has been great fun; he learned a lot and played a lot. Still happy-go-lucky self after being neutered! He can’t wait to put his vest back on in the New Year! Submitted by: Josh, Puppy-in-Training Raiser Bonus...
Larry | November 2023

Larry | November 2023

Larry did exceptionally well on his GDBart Assessment! All that hard work paid off, a well-deserved break and hanging out with your friends.  Great job Larry! Submitted by:...
Larry | September 2023

Larry | September 2023

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LARRY! Larry is 1 year old! We had so much fun this month; visited the Vancouver Aquarium and PNE with PADS Kemble. Went for walks with old friends PADS Nessa & PADS Released Essie and met new friends like PADS Indy! Submitted by:...
Larry | August 2023

Larry | August 2023

Larry had so much fun this month!! First time to the beach! Hit up the Ladner’s Farmers Market! We went for a long walk at the Pacific Spirit Park with friends (PADS Nessa & PADS Released Es). Looking forward to the next month! Submitted by:...
Larry | July 2023

Larry | July 2023

Larry had a busy month with PADS Rufous around. Larry set great example for Rufous to learn but still had timefor a stroll. Submitted by:...
Larry | June 2023

Larry | June 2023

What a month! Larry had a little companion keeping him company this month (PADS Rufous). They are getting along just fine, and Larry is setting great examples for Rufous. Larry also had a great day with a few other friends, PADS Nessa and PADS release Essie. While...
Larry | May 2023

Larry | May 2023

What a busy month! Went to my first Puppy Sitter. Thanks Karen, I had loads of fun!Met up with a few friends and visited my first Ice Cream Shop! Taking my first gondola ride. I was so excited to see snow in May!!!! Submitted by:...
Larry | April 2023

Larry | April 2023

I had a walk in the park with my friend PADS released Essie. I can’t wait for more walks in the park!! I was so tired; I didn’t care what was happening outside my kennel! Submitted by:...
Larry | February 2023

Larry | February 2023

I’m going for a nice walk around Deer Lake with PADS Nessa, and PADS Released Essie. I’m doing well with my loose leash walking while working on my dog distraction training. Submitted by:...
Larry | January 2023

Larry | January 2023

This month, I attended my first children’s birthday party! I watched so many kids running around and bouncing on the bouncy castle. I also ignored all the food dropped underneath the tables! Throughout the party, I maintained my calm composure, hence impressing...
Larry | November 2022

Larry | November 2022

Welcome to our family Larry! Glad you’re feeling right at home; he is sleeping comfortably in his kennel already. We can’t wait to see you grow and develop these amazing skills! Submitted by:...


Help Fund My Training! #WOOF I'M SOCIALFacebookTwitterGoogle+ Larry was being raised and trained to provide life-changing independence to someone with a physical disability other than visual impairment or to work with a professional such as a teacher,...