Lucca | January 2016

Lucca | January 2016

Lucca has completed his Advanced Training in the Accredited Facility Dog (AFD) stream and is currently in Team Training with a prospective client…more news to follow next month!  Like his buddy Sumac, Lucca enjoyed the latest Star Wars movie. We are thankful to Fatima...
Lucca | September 2014

Lucca | September 2014

Lucca took a break from training to enjoy the last few days of warm sunshine with a little r&r at the lake. He tried the paddle board for the first time and was a natural. He’s been working hard on his dog distraction and recall, and was grateful for the...
Lucca | August 2014

Lucca | August 2014

Lucca had to wear the cone of shame this month. His tail had a mild infection after he got bit by a mosquito and scratched at it (with his teeth). He was not all that impressed. He is glad to be back in tip-top shape! Submitted by our fantastic PADS Volunteer Puppy...
Lucca | April 2014

Lucca | April 2014

Lucca is thankful that spring is here because it means more time outside. He gets to go to the dog park after school because there is still daylight! He also enjoys lounging around in the backyard soaking up rays and having afternoon naps in the sun. He is happy that...