Tuesday, March 1, 2022 | Advanced Dogs, Pupdates
After looking at her career options, Nootka let us know that she really preferred not to work in a public setting. Nootka really likes connecting and supporting her person, so with this in mind, Nootka has been re-careered from Advanced Training into VIP. We know that...
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 | Advanced Dogs, Pupdates
During her holiday break, Nootka got some good R & R and came back refreshed and ready to go. To support her in keeping that calm going, she has been going home with a sitter overnight during the week. She sometimes still gets very excited, especially for humans...
Saturday, January 1, 2022 | Advanced Dogs, Pupdates
Nootka has really enjoyed learning some new skills and is always eager to engage with her handler. Sometimes she gets vocal and impatient when it’s not her turn to work, so she has been working on calm, barrier frustration and her ability to toggle between excitement...
Wednesday, December 1, 2021 | Advanced Dogs, Pupdates
Nootka has recently joined advanced training! She is enjoying play time with her kennel buddy Wroxy and their playmate Ember! She can have lots of energy and is exploring where she can channel that spunk. Nootka is showing she is very happy to engage with her handler...
Monday, November 1, 2021 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Well, October was a really big month! As it turns out, it’s my last full month as a puppy-in-training as I am heading off to PADS Puppy University in early November – woohoo!! I couldn’t be more excited for this new challenge and the opportunity to...
Friday, October 1, 2021 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
This month my raiser was on holiday for two weeks, but I didn’t take a holiday from my training! I was with a fabulous PADS sitter who kept me engaged both in my yellow vest and out of it. My life is always a good balance of training, having fun and getting good...
Thursday, July 1, 2021 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hi Frens, I can’t believe a whole month has gone by, and we’re heading into July already! My June was packed with a whole lotta balance: lots of play, lots of exploring and lots of training, and I’ve gotta say that I’m almost two years old, and...
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
May was a month of balance – between work and play and living with my own raiser and swapping with my brother PADS Hardy’s raisers. I also have been learning some new skills and fine-tuning some of the cues that I know. One thing is for sure, I still...
Saturday, May 1, 2021 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
April – our first full month of spring, and I was out and about enjoying it, taking in all of the pretty flower and plant scents! I’ve kept up with my training by continuing to be well-behaved in public, at malls and grocery stores. Where there are oh so...
Thursday, April 1, 2021 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
I’m so excited for Spring – it means better weather, more daylight for longer walks and lots of beautiful things to explore on my sniffaris, I mean walks! As usual, I had a packed month, lots of great training, reviewing and refining some cues that I...
Monday, March 1, 2021 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
I’m not gonna lie. February started out slow because I was recovering from my surgery, but I definitely made up for it when the coast was clear! My raiser and I got caught up on our training, and then I went on some adventures with some awesome new sitters for a...
Monday, February 1, 2021 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
January has been a full month for me. I had several puppy meet-ups for training at some malls with different dogs and raisers. I walked through the food court, practiced my duration stand and downs with tons of people all around me, and met my goals! We went in glass...
Friday, January 1, 2021 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
December – the most wonderful time of the year! It snowed enough for me to play and train in it – it’s been a long time since it snowed, and when I saw it again, it was just like the first time – snow much fun! I had some wonderful adventures...
Tuesday, December 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
This was a special month for my raiser and me. One year ago on November 5, 2019, we met and became a team so we celebrated my Gotcha Day! What a year it’s been! I’ve come a long way in my training from one year ago and I still love to learn new things and...
Sunday, November 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
This was a month to remember – my first October with my current raiser! I was such a good girl during a walking tour in Vancouver. I ignored tons of distractions like squirrels, kids, bikes, leaves, sticks, nuts, dogs, people and mostly just walked and...
Thursday, October 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
September 2020 could have been one of my favourite months! I had so much summer fun and even snuck some of it into fall. I went to this great place called Granville Island for the very first time and I rode on a little ferry which I really liked – I discovered...
Tuesday, September 15, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
My August was way different than last year’s because it was my second August and I’m a big pup now! This time started out mostly at home because I had what they called “heat”, which sounds awful, but I didn’t really notice it much. Hooman...
Wednesday, July 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
She had an epic playdate with 3 of her brother’s where she learned to outrun them because they were after her! The great thing about this meet-up was that there were 5 dogs and maybe 12 people and when we met in the parking lot before the walk she settled in...
Monday, June 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
She did a 32 minute duration down in the backyard, on a blanket that she would have normally destroyed, with all kinds of noises from neighbours, birds, neighbours’ dogs, BBQ smells, etc. For the last 10 minutes of her down, I undid her leash and I walked around...
Friday, May 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
We have found new and interesting ways to work with meal time manners, new food puzzles (store-bought and homemade), daily 10 kibble challenges, and lots of outside work on the patio (which is new for Nootka). There are tons of distractions on the patio! We’ve...
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
I feel like the month of March was a huge win for Nootka, in terms of her development. We have been working so hard on getting her past some things that she’s had difficulty with for a while – overexuberantly greeting people and distractions with inanimate...
Sunday, March 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Lots of play dates and puppy sitter dates have been on Nootka’s agenda this month. She has been to beaches, forests, a bird sanctuary, and played with lots of other dogs (PADS pups and pets). She showed off her lovely playtime manners with zero inappropriate...
Saturday, February 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
This month Nootka rocked the class at Coquitlam Ikea, I was so proud of her. She didn’t balk at doing anything, remained calm and composed around the other dogs, and around all of the distractions there. She also retained what we learned – she is fearless...
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
In December I took Nootka to a play at the Surrey Arts Centre and she was really good with tons of distractions – lots of excited little kids, crowds of people, music, crowd noise (it was a pantomime so audience participation was constant, loud, noisy cheering...