
North | September 2017

North went to Bard on the Beach – he saw a show with a dog in it! He also went on a mini-vacay to Long Beach, WA. North is still working on sit/stand/down duration and is not improving in this area at all. Submitted By: Kerry...

North | August 2017

North went to the Port Coquitlam SPCA to give a presentation to a group of 12-year-olds. He behaved well and was quite comfortable around the kids. He also went to the SuperDogs at the PNE and wandered around the PNE afterwards. He was enchanted with a baby goat in...
North | July 2017

North | July 2017

North is still working on sit/down/stand duration. We are also working on touch (with stick) and target. North has come to my very loud fitness classes a couple of times this month. He also went to the groomer’s and had a nice close clip. Unfortunately, this...
North | June 2017

North | June 2017

North loves to play at the beach with his buddies where he has learned how to swim. This is a good thing as Sugar inadvertently (I believe) knocked him into our swimming pool this week and he didn’t drown. We play hide n seek with North’s breakfast and...