Sunday, September 1, 2019 | Calgary, Pupdates
August was an awesome month! My raisers got married, and I got to be in the wedding party! I was the cutest female puppy ring bearer you’ve ever seen! After the wedding we did a lot of relaxing. I got to go hiking and on a bunch of long walks, and then have been...
Thursday, August 1, 2019 | Calgary, Pupdates
This month has been great!Β I’ve been spending lots of time at the acreage just relaxing instead of going into work!Β We have done hikes, I’ve gone out to the lake and boy….do I LOVE swimming! Β I’ve also gone on a road trip to Vancouver and am...
Monday, July 1, 2019 | Calgary, Pupdates
SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER!!!Β This month has been great, although there has been so much rain!Β We have been working on a lot of activities inside because of this, like building duration and having an “off” switch.Β I’m so excited though for the...
Saturday, June 1, 2019 | Calgary, Pupdates
It’s finally spring! I’ve been having a great time at school, watching our school boys team play soccer, and hanging out at the farm! I’ve been working really hard on my durations, and solidifying my “side” and “heel”...
Wednesday, May 1, 2019 | Calgary, Pupdates
Teak has been working hard on her duration, and on remaining focused while other dogs are present. Don’t worry – she still got lots of play time and tired herself out, but it is important that around other pups she still focuses when she needs to!...
Monday, April 1, 2019 | Calgary, Pupdates
It’s starting to turn into Spring! As the snow has been melting, I’ve been having so much fun running around the yard playing. I’ve been taking turns going to a school and working in an office to have some variety, but it has been great! Can’t...
Friday, March 1, 2019 | Calgary, Pupdates
We have been working really hard this month at my durations for sit, down, and stand commands. I’m getting a lot better, although I still have a lot of work to do. My raiser says I’m great at work, in a classroom of 30-40 students I hold my down for an...
Friday, February 1, 2019 | Calgary, Pupdates
I’ve been busy at work this month, but I got to meet a new play buddy at school! Isn’t he massive!? Nothing else new with me this month, my raisers have been working really hard with me for my duration on “stand”, but it’s so hard not to...
Tuesday, January 1, 2019 | Calgary, Pupdates
Pupdate: Teaching life is so much fun! The kiddos are great and I’m just the bestest in class! It isn’t all fun and games though, I spend a lot of my time by the photocopier (although I try to catch a nap while doing so!). Submitted By: Allison...
Saturday, December 1, 2018 | Calgary, Pupdates
I’ve been having sooo much fun going to High School everyday. I’m the most popular student! I’m also learning so much, how to navigate in crowded hallways, my down duration during classes, and I put smiles on so many peoples faces! I also had a PADS...
Saturday, September 1, 2018 | Calgary, Pupdates
Teak has been working on “go in”, sit and down mechanics. Teak got to visit a few old friends while her raisers were out of town Submitted by: Kyle...
Wednesday, August 1, 2018 | Calgary, Pupdates
This month has been pretty relaxing. Lots of camping before the cold weather and snow arrives. Also got to attend a wedding and meet many other dogs! My raiser and I are working on my down mechanics as well as my “go ins”. Submitted by: Kyle...
Tuesday, May 1, 2018 | Calgary, Pupdates
Teak has met a new born baby this month. Teak is very gentle and careful around him. He also did some camping and hiking this month. Teak is working on “touch, Go In and other various tricks we take home from puppy class. Doing very well.Submitted by: Kyle...
Sunday, April 1, 2018 | Calgary, Pupdates
This month has been super busy! We have moved from Edmonton to Calgary, and I got to meet my raisers nephew! We have been working really hard on my duration for different commands and I’m getting much better. I’ve also been told that I’m super calm...
Thursday, March 1, 2018 | Calgary, Pupdates
Teak has been back and forth between Edmonton and Calgary, and spending the days in an office environment. We’re also staying in hotels and learning that relaxing by a hot tub isn’t so bad! We are working on duration this month in a sit and down position...
Thursday, March 1, 2018 | Calgary, Pupdates
Teak is working on duration, side and four on the floor this month. She is coming along nicely. Teak has been spending alot of time at hotels and near a pool, doing great keeping a down while kids are playing in the pool. Teak has been at a puppy sitters this month,...
Thursday, February 1, 2018 | Calgary, Pupdates
This month has been full of firsts for me! First time meeting my new raisers, first time at an office job, first time at University, first time going into restaurants and shopping centres, first grocery shopping trip, first tooth pulled (less exciting but still a...