Monday, January 1, 2024 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
For most of December, I’ve been staying with a sitter for a so-called vacation, but this was NOT so relaxing after all. First off, I found out that I had not one, but two roommates! One of whom was a human and the other was another PADS dog. But don’t...
Wednesday, November 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hi everypawdy! At the beginning of the month, the hoomans and I went to Seattle again. I really enjoyed the new sights and appreciated how they brought my round bed along. Can you believe that the bed actually fits in the soft kennel? Apparently, I slept like a baby...
Sunday, October 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hi everypawdy! It’s Thresher here again. I’ve been going to the gym a lot lately. At first, I wasn’t sure what was going on but I got used to it. The hoomans are busy doing their thing and it looked really fun to me. Unfortunately, I just had to...
Friday, September 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hey everypawdy! It’s Thresher here! I had another busy month! At the beginning of the month, I went to the Pride Parade with my sitter, Fiona and her family. I finally met my siblings, Reef, Triton and Tope. I was really happy to see them!! During my weekend...
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hey everypawdy! I turned one this month! My hoomans bought me a cake and made me wear a party hat and a special bow. I don’t feel any different but I loved the cake! Earlier in the month, I also attended my furiends’ birthday party. I loved the company and...
Saturday, July 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hey everyone! It’s Thresher here! At the end of last month, my friend, Cappuccino passed away and things haven’t been the same since. I really miss her but my hoomans say that she is in a better place now. I visited Ikea for the first time. There are...
Thursday, June 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hey everypawdy! It’s Thresher reporting again. I’m now positively sure that winter is gone and spring is here! My hoomans are taking me out to lots of trails and parks weekly. They have commented that I always come back when they call my name though....
Monday, May 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hi, it’s Thresher here! It’s been another busy month and I’m so excited that the weather is getting warmer! Ever since my furry friend, Cappuccino has been living with us, we’ve been spending lots of time together. We usually lie on the bed and...
Saturday, April 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hi everypawdy! I’ve been going out a lot in public and outdoors quite a lot nowadays since the weather is warmer. I still have to wear my jacket, which is something I don’t mind anymore! I get a lot of compliments when I do, so that definitely helps. My...
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hey everyone, it’s Thresher here! It’s been another eventful month! I’ve been working hard with my training and settling as usual. My hoomans have been saying that I’m making improvements on kennelling every day, and it really doesn’t...
Wednesday, February 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hey! It’s Thresher reporting again. I went to my first week-long sleepover this month while my humans were away at a work conference. I loved it. My sitter brought me to school every day with the tiny humans. After school, I’d get to play with my friend...
Sunday, January 1, 2023 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
It’s Thresher reporting again! We had so much snow this month. I liked it when it was fluffy, but not that much when it was crunchy. Oh, and I went with my hooman to her dental appointment! There were so many things going on while my hooman sat in this moving...
Thursday, December 1, 2022 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
Hey everyone! It’s Thresher reporting! I had my first sleepover at a sitter lady’s place and I loved it so much! We had a relaxing weekend and then met some people at a different workplace. I can’t wait for more sleepovers. Oh, and I saw snow for the...
Tuesday, November 1, 2022 | Lower Mainland, Pupdates
It’s Thresher here! I’ve been working hard at being calm in different places…the kennel, the car, in the park and on my mat. I think I prefer food in my mouth rather than using my voice to express my opinion. Oh, and hey, I got a new bed because I...