Watson | December 2016

Watson | December 2016

I bet you think I’m still in Alberta with all this snow! My trainer and I have been on the road and we’re now in Lake Errock, BC.  I’ve travelled on a plane, met horses, helped train new volunteers, and kept working on increasing my brace and...
Watson | January 2015

Watson | January 2015

                 My favourite place to walk is in Burnaby, BC, at Confederation Park. There is a beautiful trail where I get to SNIFF and encounter other dogs. It is a fair hike and I am usually winded when I return home to lay on my...
Watson | December 2014

Watson | December 2014

The month of December was challenging and very busy. There were visions of “sugar-plums” and stockings hung by the chimney with care. The children were nestled all snug in their beds and I sprang to the window to see what was there…. The ground was covered with...
Watson | December 2014

Watson | December 2014

I puppy-sat Watson December 22-24 when my sister and 12-year-old nephew, Lucas, were out from Toronto. I surprised Lucas by having Watson stay with us for two days and he said it was the best part of his holiday. Watson loves people and is really very good with them....
Watson | August 2014

Watson | August 2014

    The arrival of Watson has brought lots of cheer and happiness. He is an adventurous little pup and I think he will be a real keener. One of his first home away from home trips was attending the 35th International Mustang Meet at Lansdowne Mall in...