York II | October 2023

York II | October 2023

This month in Advanced Training, York II had another busy month with field trips and off-leash time in the forest. York has worked very hard, and throughout his training, he was still having difficulty in various situations, especially with stationary moments (like...
York II | September 2023

York II | September 2023

York II had a blast in September. He went on a vacation to Oregon! He had many opportunities for training – going to restaurants, coffee shops, Walmart, and Home Depot. He also enjoyed many long walks on the beach – off and on leash. His sitters and...
York II | August 2023

York II | August 2023

PADS York II has been enjoying his summer months. He enjoyed canoeing, paddle boarding, or kayaking with his sitter or trainer. When given the chance, York also loved to run around in the water – fresh or ocean. During August, York had various opportunities for...
York II | July 2023

York II | July 2023

York II had another fun-filled month. Just like last month, York spent some of the time with sitters, some time with trainers, and a few times all together! This month’s field trips included many Burnaby, North Vancouver, White Rock, Vancouver, and New...
York II | June 2023

York II | June 2023

York II had a busy month – some of the time with sitters, some with trainers, and a few times all together! York went on various field trips to Burnaby and New Westminster public libraries, Royal City Centre, Abbotsford Police Department, and White Spot for...
York II | May 2023

York II | May 2023

This month York II continued to work on his skills such as “button,” “my lap,” “tug,” and retrievals and started “close.” York has been working on settling in between training sessions, as he can be frustrated when it is...
York II | April 2023

York II | April 2023

This month York II has been working next to a power chair and has been loving his chair runs every morning. York has been working on his skills like button, my lap, close and his favourite, TUG! York does get vocal when training, so we are working on that. York has...
York II | March 2023

York II | March 2023

This month York II put his love for tugging to work and learned how to tug open and close doors. He continues improving old skills and has started on new behaviours like button! While he is still working on calming his feelings during settle time, York has been...
York II | February 2023

York II | February 2023

York II has been introduced to some new skills this month and tweaking old ones. He loves playing tug and incorporating it into his training sessions and has been showing progress with new skills like back and retrieval foundations. While York continues to work on and...
York II | January 2023

York II | January 2023

York ll spent the first part of the month off-site with his sitters. He then came to the Burnaby Campus full-time to work with Kaileigh, our new Instructor’s Assistant. York loves hanging out with his bunkmate Abra and working on his obedience skills. He loves people...
York II | December 2022

York II | December 2022

York II is a very sweet, playful and loving little guy. He is always enthusiastic about practicing some cues, and he constantly has his eyes on me when we are working. Most of our walks/exercises in the past couple of weeks have been while we are safe, warm and dry in...
York II | November 2022

York II | November 2022

York II has been settling in very nicely with his new routine with his new people and furry friends. He has been doing well adjusting to his new handlers. He is very eager to learn. He is still taking it slow but has been doing really well. He is living with quite a...
York II | October 2022

York II | October 2022

Oh my, this will be my last pupdate for York: turn-in is on Nov. 8. We will miss York VERY much!  York spent the first part of October recovering from his neuter surgery (Sept. 29). He had many neighbourhood walks with loose leash walking practise + wait + sit + down...
York II | September 2022

York II | September 2022

The month’s predominant focus: -neighbourhood walks around shops to practice sit, stand, down duration with distractions: good progress -“go in” under a bench for a long time waiting for the bus, BUT when on a moving bus, York does NOT stay under the seat -two...
York II | August 2022

York II | August 2022

August was a blue ribbon month for York! Apologies for the length of this pupdate, but there’s much to tell! First, York’s picture was submitted for ‘Tongue out Tuesday’! Second, several pups enjoyed playing Tic Tac Toe in teams Capes & Fur...
York II | July 2022

York II | July 2022

Where did July go???!!!The past month included many outings: to restaurants, neighbourhood shops, Tsawwassen Mills Mall (good place to get cool in our summer heat), in person puppy class with SEVEN other pups. All training areas continue with noted progress except for...
York II | June 2022

York II | June 2022

June was a busy month, with progress noted in many areas. We drove to Pacific Centre to buy a birthday present at The Bay; rode elevators up/down with several people, with no problem at all. Photo op on the high fashion floor, sat on a bench in the mall, and a very...
York II | May 2022

York II | May 2022

We enjoyed a family woods walk on Mother’s Day. The White Spot has now been added to York’s restaurant choices. YEAH: first person-to-person, four pups present class was held successfully in mid-May at the PADS campus! Also, in midMay, York demonstrated...
York II | April 2022

York II | April 2022

There is much to report for April. Outings included Tsawwassen Mills Mall, Costco (2X), Save on Foods, Michael’s in Richmond, Westward Ho!, several restaurants, and Jericho Tennis Club. Just last night, we went to Jericho early (5:30) because previously, when...
York II | March 2022

York II | March 2022

HAPPY FIRST YEAR BIRTHDAY!!!! Cheshire & Gloucester came to the birthday party in our back garden. There was a rousing interaction until York demonstrated that he’s come into high testosterone and thought Cheshire was appealing! Soooo, York spent most of the...
York II | February 2022

York II | February 2022

So much to tell! First, “Thank you for waiting.” is my most frequently used phrase with York II! He is very patient– waiting for me to do this or that before I attend to him. I forgot to tell before that York outgrew the need for the X-pen back in...
York II | January 2022

York II | January 2022

It was a very busy and positive month: many “go ins” at restaurants & on buses & trains = improved duration, for sure several very good perfect loose leash walks improved recall in woods when meeting/playing with other dogs off leash less lunging...
York II | December 2021

York II | December 2021

Happy New Year!!!! Every year is a happy one with a PADS pup! In December, we focussed a lot on “Go in,” with a greater ‘curl up’ in shallow closets in our house. Then, progress was noted twice when York remained in ‘Go in’ position...
York II | November 2021

York II | November 2021

We have had a busy month with visits to a mall (Tsawwassen Mills X2) & to UBC (X2), where we have practised “go in” and calmness (sit & down) in a variety of locations: benches, tables, sofas, chairs, in front of window displays. Steady, gradual...