How they are Moving for PADS
Kim, Caber and Puma have pledged to walk 100KM this month to raise money for PADS
Why they are Moving for PADS
When asked why she is moving for PADS Kim writes:
“Why am I MOVEing? There are so many reasons I can’t choose just one. I guess the first reason is because when I went to PADS 10 years ago and asked them if they would support me by providing a dog to work with me at Delta Police Victim Services they said “we’ve never done that before” and then they also said, “this sounds like a great idea…let’s do it”! They placed Caber in my program and supported us comprehensively for the 9 successful years of his career.
Then when I asked if they would place a second dog in our program they said “of course” and worked diligently with me to find just the right dog for our program…but also the right new sibling to fit with Caber! Puma is a wonderful member of our team and family now. I’m also indebted to PADS for their vision in seeing that the work that Accredited Facility Dogs do in supporting victims of crime is IMPORTANT. They embraced this placement wholeheartedly and are now responsible for placing the largest percentage of AFD’s in this industry across Canada.
I could list a dozen more reasons why I am MOVEing for PADS but I’ll conclude by saying that the “spirit” of PADS is probably the biggest reason why I have engaged with PADS as a Director on the Board, active volunteer and strong advocate for the organization. The volunteers and staff are engaged on a “heart level” in their support of PADS mandate and vision. It’s my pleasure to call PADS a critical part of my life and one that I hope remains for years to come.”
Ways to help
- Want to help Kim make her goal of raising $1000? Click the donate button below!
- Want to spread the word about this awesome adventure? Share this story along with other “Movers” stories on social media to help raise awareness about PADS.
TEAM GOAL: $1,000
Want to support Kim, Caber & Puma

Kim & Puma