
Caber-Kim-amp-Police-Cars“On September 25th, 2010, Laura Szendrei was brutally attacked in a park in North Delta. Sadly she succumbed to her injuries the next day… the same day as Caber’s graduation from PADS. Therein began 3 days of responding to a school and community in crisis.


At Laura’s school her friends and teachers were dealing with incredible grief and pain. Caber was first introduced to this group at a school assembly. When he walked into the centre of the gymnasium about 80-100 people instantly began to cry. It would appear, the mere sight of a loving PADS dog was enough to bring emotions to the surface. Caber was also asked to attend each of Laura’s classes and quietly sit by her desk, in her absence. This was a very emotional experience for all.

Over the next few days Caber spent countless hours around the school with students of all ages surrounding him on the floor. He brought kids together that would not have otherwise been friends. They laughed and cried over Caber while he non-judgmentally and gently absorbed their pain.

KimandCaberIn the one year Caber has been on the job he has supported victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, robbery, house fire, child sexual assault, sudden death, suicide and many other traumatizing circumstances. He is an empath, he is a gentle friend and he is our hero!”


– Kim Gramlich and Caber
Victims’ Services Unit, Delta Police Department, BC