Macbeth, or Mac or short, was the first PADS dog to ever work in a non-residential facility, the first full-time accredited facility dog in a hospice setting anywhere and the accredited facility dog in the world to work with a clinician in a university.  For 11 years, Mac touched thousands of lives and had the longest working career in the history of PADS.

Mac and his handler who chose this life of service with him, have worked together to change lives.  They have quietly, behind the closed door of their office, saved lives of those who wished to die. One young man delayed his stepping in front of a train so that he could see Mac one last time…Mac sat in the ER with that young man and then worked with him for years.   Another student, hopeless and homeless allowed herself to trust that Mac would help her; he did.  A boy terrified of dogs learned to lie with his head on Mac and learned that a dog could be a friend.  A traumatized child, shaking for days was able to quiet his body by breathing with Mac.  He will paw and nudge at clients until they finally give in and let go… countless tears have soaked his thick coat. The numbers are astonishing and tell a story of great commitment and love for this clinical work: 1156 drop-in visits, 5380 counselling sessions, 10950 meet and greets in gyms, arenas and events, 528 intensive sessions, 12 critical incident and disaster relief deployments and now hundreds of friends he has never met on social media, where he talks about mental health and wellness.

To learn more about the amazing life and legacy of Macbeth click on the “30 stories for 30 years” blog post below. 

Key Facts

Breed: Golden Retriever
Birthdate: April 27, 2004
Sex: Male
Role: Accredited Facility Dog
Partner: Dawn Holt
Agency: University of the Fraser Valley 

30 Stories For 30 Years

“He will paw and nudge at clients until they finally give in and let go… countless tears have soaked his thick coat.”