“This amazing dog, Jolie, saved me last night. In the world of Quadriplegia is a condition known as ‘Autonomic Disreflexia’ it is an adaptive warning system for those who can’t feel normally, when something is wrong – or the body is trying to get your attention due to pain/discomfort/or a problem. The only thing is it is also a potentially dangerous state if not relieved as it accelerates the longer the stressor exists. Last night, during my sleep my body entered this state as it has often lately due to the challenge of a broken femur/leg. Normally I wake up if my system goes into dysreflexic shock, WELL not last night. Not, that is, until Jolie my amazing dog woke me up. Unreal, I am just blown away by her constantly!
This was life-saving. She knew I was in distress, not waking up, and she acted.
She made all sorts of noise and then went to get someone, then back to me till it got resolved. I just wonder if more people could be as in-tune.
Please donate to PADS this season to help them continue raising and training assistance dogs, they change and save lives.”