Meet Team Radar II

An Impactful Partnership

You will be pleased to know your former pupil is excelling in his new role and his new life! He has been an absolute hit here at the school–wherever he goes, people want to talk to him, pet him, and ask all about him. He gets up to welcome kids to the office and is getting more used to leaving my feet and sitting in his bed next to students. He also brings his bone to many of the kids who come in and tries to engage them in a quick round of tug, which they think is hilarious. He’s also had chance to participate in some of the routines of the school–for example, when we had our Remembrance Day ceremony, when the bag piper started playing, Radar took the opportunity to join in with a few select howls. It only endeared him even more to the community.

At home, too, he has been a wonderful addition to our family. In the house, he is always where the people are, often at my feet or the feet of my daughter. He appears very happy and attached, and so are we. Someone recently commented to me that getting a dog was like finding the thing they didn’t know was missing from their lives, and it could not be more true with Radar. He has become a central member of our family.

I am writing this in part because I know, as people who invested all the time you did in his care and training, that you’d like to know he is happy and well, and I can assure you that’s the case. I am also writing to thank you for the work you put in to making him such a happy, friendly, gentle soul. Some of the constant comments we hear from people who meet him are how well behaved he is, how smart he is, and what a good-natured dog he is. All of the above are true, and it’s in large part due to the work you and he did together.

On behalf of our community and our family, I want you to know how grateful we are to you. – Team Radar II

PADS Radar II in his official school portrait.