Meet Team Smore
Chief Happiness OfficerSmore made an impact on his first day as CHO (Chief Happiness Officer) at Rochester elementary. He joined the community in the last few months of school in 2024 – becoming an immediate hit with families, staff, and students. Smore helped students through these tough months, providing multiple opportunities for regulation and breaks. Smore sat with students to help them breathe and take mindful moments, walked them around the block for body breaks, and helped them practice reading with small group ELL support.
In September, Smore helped welcome our 400 students back to school, meeting new kindergarten families who were leaving children at school for the first time. He sat on carpets and taught students patience, compassion and care. Students greet Smore every single day and look forward to petting him and talking to him at recess and lunch. They pick up garbage and keep the school grounds much cleaner, so that they are helping Smore stay safe. Smore attends all assemblies, and students love to decorate his vest with poppies, notes, or drawings from multicultural celebrations that are important to our students. He is an integral part of our Rochester community – so popular with the staff and students that people are starting to wear Smore t shirts and earrings to show their love and connection! I honestly can’t imagine walking a hallway without Smore – his unconditional love and friendly personality is contagious at Rochester elementary! Thank you to Margaret and Val, and the entire team of puppy raisers and trainers for their dedication and hard work to help Smore be so successful in this new role, bringing joy to so many people, each and every day.
I am the luckiest principal! – Smore’s Partner

PADS Smore.