It’s with immense sorrow that we share that Nancy Kemble, a beloved member of our PADS family, lost her valiant battle with Cancer on Friday, November 11, 2022.

Nancy has worn many hats at PADS – board member, board Chair, volunteer, donor, advocate and tireless champion.  She joined PADS in a difficult time in our history and was instrumental in transforming it into the thriving organization it is today. Nancy breathed a fire for excellence into PADS. Often in quiet ways behind the scenes, particularly for the staff and leadership. She called us each by her example—showing us what it means to work hard, lead others, sacrifice, give and above all grow and do better.

She brought joy and laughter and heart into our work. She’d always speak from the heart. In one of her more noteworthy moments, Nancy reached for a kleenex box as tears filled her eyes during her Graduation Day speech: “I have a bit of a cold” she said. And with that, the “PADS Cold” was born – a term now woven into our culture – beloved by staff, volunteers and supporters alike to refer to those moments when the magic of a PADS life-changing dog overflows and spills down our cheeks.

She called each of us, in all we do, to be better than we are. To work together, to be kind to each other, to consider both where we are going and where we have been. She never hesitated to offer praise or to show up with a magnificent spread from Bosa Foods, but she also never minced words when we didn’t live up to the excellence she knew us to be capable of. She pushed us and believed in us, in equal measure.

As her time drew to a close, Nancy spoke about her unwavering desire to see PADS continue to thrive. Nancy attended her last board meeting less than a month ago. In spite of her waning strength and pain she insisted on carving out time to write countless emails and schedule meetings to advocate for PADS to those she knew.

She was small but mighty. She fought to the very end and in a final email wrote the following (shared with her permission):

I am truly humbled! I have always believed that no act of kindness, no matter how small, goes unnoticed – even if it needs a little “kick ass” along the way. When I would say my prayers, I would thank God for letting me be me, here and now!

This world is so amazing- we have to learn to respect it and take care of it and pass it along to the future generations.

I wish I had more time but we play the cards we are dealt – and try to do this with grace and dignity. Stay strong – keep up your courage and don’t ever give up – I’ll be watching you!

~Nancy Kemble,  October 27, 2022



With Nancy’s blessing, all donations – one time or monthly – made in her memory through this page will be directed to The Kemble Fund.

This new Fund was created to honour her legacy and will be used to build leadership and excellence within our team. Whether it’s funding staff education, leadership development, team building or care – as Nancy did so often in her time with us.

Your gift will ensure that her spirit lives on and ensure her vision and passion for excellence and leadership development continue in her name.


This fiesty little girl was given the name Kemble in honour of our small but mighty friend Nancy.

Kemble is from Autumn’s Tribute litter and began her puppy-raising journey the day Nancy left us.

Kemble came into the world at a mere 160 grams (the average PADS puppy is typically about 450g at birth) making her the smallest puppy ever to be born at PADS. Despite her tiny size, she has thrived and continues to show us her spunk and gumption.

Follow her journey at