PADS 2021 Calendar Submissions
We are looking for a wide variety of photos, breeds, ages, moments… posed and candid, breathtaking and humourous… help us tell the PADS story of faithfulness, connection and independence. The selection committee’s decisions will be based on selecting a collection that represents PADS program, regions and dogs and photos are selected based on the overall quality and composition.
- Photographs MUST be submitted by the photographer, you cannot submit on someone else’s behalf.
- By submitting the form below you are giving PADS full rights to use the photo in both the calendar and marketing activities, you will be contacted to sign a usage agreement if your photo is used.
- Photos must be at least 1600px x 1600px (larger if they will need cropping).
Please note, one form must be completed & submitted per image.
Submission Categories
PADS clients, help us highlight where our puppies wind up! We’d love to feature short vignettes of our certified teams in our wall calendar. To share a photo and a quote which we can publish, highlighting what your PADS dog means to you, please fill out the form below called “Client Vignettes”.
For this category, we’re looking for photos of teams (in or out of vest) or PADS Dogs at work (in vest).
Help us highlight important occasions in 2021. These photos will be small thumbnails in the wall calendar (thus may be a good option for lower resolution images), submit photos that capture some aspect of the holidays and events below.
Mother’s Day
CalendAr Features
These will be our Calendar Feature Images in both the wall and desk calendar. Bring on your breathtaking, awwwww inspiring, or emotion inducing puppies in training.
Submissions now closed
Submissions for the 2021 Calendar are now closed. Stay tuned for the final selection!
Cover: Puppy Dog Eyes
Here we are looking for a sweet picture of a young puppy in vest.
January: New Year / New beginnings
This can be anything from a pup with a happy new year sign or hat, a baby puppy in cape, a puppy on a new adventure! Let’s get creative!
February: Puppy Love
Have a picture of a smooshy puppy? What about two dogs cuddling? Send in your most awww inspiring photo.
March: Training outdoors
Show us your best shot of training outside! We ask that photos for this category be of a dog in vest.
April: Friendship
For this category, we are looking for a group shot of dogs, or a photo of a few dogs playing, our dogs being a friend to their hoomans, or any other photo that makes you think of friendship! The possibilities are endless!
June: Super Heroes
July: Summer Fun
Show us how your PADS dog enjoys the summer!
August: Puppy Pride
Our PADS community has been long-standing supporters of Pride month, show us how your PADS Pup celebrates pride month!
September: Back to School
Has your PADS pup visited a school to spread some joy? Do you work in a school and your PADS pup accompanies you every day? Send us your best shots of your pup working in these environments. Perhaps a photo of a pup in front of their school, reading with their kids (kids face hidden please), or next to a backpack?
October: Fun in the Fall
Have a photo of a PADS dog in the fall? The autumn colours and falling leaves make for a wonderful backdrop of pictures of our Dogs. Send in your best shot!
November: Dogs in the snow
Have a great picture of a PADS dog playing in the snow! Send in your best shot!
December: Happy Holidays
T’is the Season to get together with family and friends and celebrate your holiday traditions. Have a picture of a PADS pup that looks particularly festive? We’d love to see it.
January: Group Shot
Send in your best shot of a group of PADS dogs ( in or out of cape).