Kashtin is being raised and trained to provide life-changing independence to someone with a physical disability other than visual impairment or to work with a professional such as a teacher, psychologist or victim services worker to help support a healthy community.
Kashtin came to us from Warrior Canine Connection in Boyds, Maryland, USA, as part of their participation in the ADI Breeding Cooperative.
It truly takes a village to raise a puppy, and you can be part of Kashtin’s village and receive monthly updates about him — donations raised through this page support the care and training of healthy, happy puppies. Help support Kashtin today.
Breed:Labrador Retriever
Birthdate:December 22, 2024
Dam:Blair WCC
Sire:Prince du CESECAH (Centre d'Etude, de Sélection et d'Elevage de Chiens guides pour Aveugles et autres Handicapés in Lezoux, France)
Puppy-Raisers:Kevin Hisko
Sponsor:Oxygen Yoga & Fitness Port Moody (1st year)
Program of Origin:Warrior Canine Connection (WCC)