Scotia II is being raised and trained to provide life-changing independence to someone with a physical disability other than visual impairment or to work with a professional such as a teacher, psychologist or victim services worker to help support a healthy community.  In November, Scotia II took the next step in her journey and entered Advanced Training where she’ll learn the skills needed to support her future partner.

It truly takes a village to raise a puppy, and you can be part of Scotia II’s village and receive monthly updates about her — donations raised through this page support the care and training of healthy, happy puppies. Help support Scotia II today.

Name:Scotia II

Breed:Labrador Retriever (Female)

Birthdate:February 11, 2021

Dam:Dogs With Wings' Maple

Sire:PADS Robbie

Puppy-Raisers:Elaine Mori & Brian Shepard

Program of Origin:Dogs With Wings

Advanced Sitter:Robin Exley (Long Term Sitter) | Previously sat by Andrea Oland