I went to Barnet Marine park, which is a really nice area with a beach on the Burrard Inlet. I had so much fun but later on discovered I had stepped in something sharp and cut my rear paw pad. I had to get used to wearing a sock for a little while, and lots of walks on grass which I actually really like.
Sprinter is growing fast and also calming down a lot. She was a great comfort when I hurt my paw. BTW it is all better now.
This month I also met up with PADS AFD Roo. She is amazing in so many ways. This is her chilling sideways on the stairs, it’s a signature move of hers. This way you cannot pass without saying Hello! I think I would like to become an AFD when I grow up just like her! I am also getting some tips from AFD Nessa so I am preparing myself!
Submitted by: Kris Papps