Abra has adjusted well to her new routine with her new people. Since recovering from her spay, she has been taking it easy but has had the opportunity to go on smaller outings. She has had quite a few adventures. One of her favourites is walking the trails on Burnaby Mountain. She has been loving meeting all new kinds of human and canine friends. While she is at home, she loves to cuddle with her stuffies.

Since she has only been in advanced training for about a week, we have been working on basic obedience. Abra is very eager, and working with her is a pleasure. Her turn-in report noted that she showed signs of separation anxiety. Abra has been working hard to curb that, and she has already made so much improvement. It shows how much love and work has gone into her.

Thanks, everyone, for all your love and hard work with Abra!

Advanced training location: West Coast

Submitted by: Advanced Training Department