Even though they just started working together in November, AFD Sinclair is already making a huge difference! Here’s what his handler, Cpl. Kyla Young had to say:
“Sinclair’s impact in this short month we’ve been working together has been remarkable, and I couldn’t imagine a more perfect fit to our unit at the Regina Children’s Justice Centre than ‘Sinky.’ My office is so much busier than it used to be now that I have a new roommate!
Sinclair has a gift of giving ‘hugs,’ which is exactly what each child needs when they walk through the doors at our Centre. His excitable butt-wiggle, soulful eyes and gentle spirit win the hearts of all that come into contact with him. I think the best thing about the last few interviews I’ve done with Sinclair is that he truly believes he is a lap dog, and when the children or teens sit on the couch, Sinclair stretches out across their lap and rests his giant head on them and doesn’t move a muscle as they pet him for comfort. He’s so sweet with everyone so far, and on cue to ‘visit’, he’ll make his way around the room to rest his head on laps, waiting for pets.
In the tough job of investigating Child Abuse, Sinclair is a true rock star with his instant ability to connect with the children, families and workers. He has been busy comforting children through forensic interviews, accompanying them to the hospital and through testifying in court.
We are so grateful to the entire PADS community for the blessing that Sinclair is and will continue to be for the Regina Police Service. It is fitting that Sinclair was named after Canada’s superstar soccer hero, Christine Sinclair – in fact, the day I found out from PADS that Sinclair might be matched with us was the same day Christine announced her retirement! Christine Sinclair is known for her talent, dedication, and resilience, and PADS Sinclair will undoubtedly have the same impact in the lives of the children he meets in the years to come.”