Alpine settled in very quickly and became best friends with her kennel mate Mosley. On turn-in day, we used Alpine as the dog that everyone got to play with, which shows how polite and a good girl she is. Alpine is everyone’s best friend and is very popular! Alpine and Mosley often stick together during play time and cuddle on their beds when they’re all tired out. We took it easy this week, and Alpine didn’t do much besides basic obedience, settling time in the training center with her handlers and playtime. She’s enjoying all aspects of ‘school.’ Alpine is so eager to work and be with her handlers; she reminds us of a shaken-up pop can!

When working with the Advanced Training Team, Alpine has been doing really well with learning and having to wait her turn to work. Alpine is very enthusiastic about getting started on her training and shows a willingness to learn new skills. She really loves working with the trainers and is having fun with the new skills. Alpine is working hard on her patience and staying calm while working, and while others are working, she’s the smallest in class but brings one of the biggest personalities! We think she’s also the cutest, shh! It’s a secret.

A quirk that we are working on is her vocalization when her handlers are out of sight or when they are doing something else. Alpine is just trying to tell them that she loves them and wants to get down to business or have a cuddle. She’s working very hard on keeping quiet and is being rewarded with lots of hugs and snugs!  

Thanks, everyone, for all your love and hard work with Alpine!

Submitted by: Advanced Training Department