October marked the first month that I have had Alpine. She is quickly developing her personality and has become quite the excited little girl.
Alpine has taken well to training and seems to enjoy learning new commands. We have been working on ‘sit’ and ‘down’ and increasing the duration of these.
We are slowly making progress with loose leash walking and working on focusing with distractions. The couple puppy classes that we have attended have been invaluable in helping me make sure that Alpine is on the right path.
Alpine has gone on a couple public outings this month and did quite well. I look forwards to taking her more places this coming month and watching her continue to blossom.
Alpine and I met with the family that is sponsoring her journey with PADS, which also provided Alpine an opportunity to meet her first horse!
She truly is a delight to raise and I am so excited to see what the future holds for us.
Submitted By: Stephanie