At 8 months Asti is definitely showing signs of, “I’m no longer a baby”, but has leaped into a fully-fledged teenager lol. All to be expected and I was ready and waiting for this next developmental stage. Asti has actually been fabulous and the few boundaries she pushed were short-lived, so far!!!!!
With some super hot days, we adjusted our walks to super early before the sidewalks became hot hot hot or late evening. It did not come as a surprise that Asti is, of course, a water lover and happily retrieved toys put in her pool, in fact, she put herself in the pool one day.
Our walks are increasing in length and obviously, with this she needs to adjust to a longer attention span, doing lots of check-ins and praise to help Asti achieve this.
She went on her first visit to a puppy sitter which went well and Asti had many interactions with visiting children, a new house, new people, new areas to walk, a great first experience away from her norm.
Asti is as big as her non-bio sister now who just turned 7 yrs, she’s going to be a tall gal for sure.
Submitted by: Isy