Well friends, I had my surgery this month. I handled it like a champ and got to look very fashionable in my onesie and donut. The hardest part was that I wasn’t allowed to run around for 10 days afterward.

I have been a rockstar at puppy class and am doing really well at ignoring my PADS fur friends. I express my excitement by singing them songs instead of running towards them. I must be a very good singer as people smile at me when I do that, though Jen doesn’t seem to enjoy my music. There is no accounting for taste.

I had 2 playdates with my best buddy, PADS Blazer, this month. We had an awesome time. I really don’t care about anything else when I’m playing, and Jen says that’s a problem and we are working on it. I think I’m just showing my ability to be very focused on a task. Other than that, it was work and errands and such. Every day, I get to go on a few fun walks, and that is always a highlight. I’m getting better at ignoring other dogs when I’m on walks.

I am working on movement skills, ignoring food that is available to me, and waiting at thresholds. We have some exciting plans for next month, so stay tuned!


Submitted by: Jen