I’m 6 months old now and have doubled in size since I arrived at Liz and Neil’s house back in February. I like it here very much but Liz says I have to stop bothering Sammy the cat, I keep telling Liz that Sammy starts it but I have to confess I do like to tease Sammy. May was fun and busy. We went camping on the Mother’s Day weekend and I played in the sand, ran along the shore of the Harrison river and dipped my toes in the river too. I also visited 4 new dog parks, Harbour View Park, McDonald Beach, Lynnmouth Park and North 40 Park. I think my training is coming along nicely, will find out for sure next week when Liz and I meet up with Jackie and Heather. I’m going to knock their socks off!
Submitted by: Liz & Neil