From a sitter…Benji here! I usually leave my pupdates to the humans but after a fascinating and busy ‘time away’, I’d like to share 🙂 My sister Nana and brother Scooby warned me that I would have a hell of a good time with Sabrina.

In only 48 hours, I went to a birthday party, went crabbing, looked at helicopters take off, grabbed a couple of walks, and yes, we also had a full day of work. It was kind of cool as we did not go to your typical work meetings and one of the meetings was at a job site where my yellow vest was very handy. PPE is mandatory in those places 😉

We also had some down time in the house where I learnt to feed the fish, solved some dog puzzles, groomed and most importantly cooled off. Did you feel the heat too?
It was quite something and I have to say that living by the water is handy in those moments. Our walks by the water were very refreshing and helpful but they also allowed me to show off some of my special skills. I can walk on all types of surfaces, climb any set of stairs and on top of this, I don’t pick up sticks, I am not distracted by other dogs, and I respond well to the word ‘this way’…who wouldn’t? It’s not like I would want to go in the wrong direction and lose my person, right.

Anyway, all this to say that I had a great time and let me assure you that despite all my new experiences and the excessive heat, I wasn’t stressed and kept on impressing everyone with my perfect house manners, strong BGN, faithfulness (there was not a minute that I didn’t want to be with Sabrina), and calmness. They even say that if they could keep me, they would 😉

Submitted by: Susan