Billie has been out and about, being sat by a couple of wonderful PADS puppy sitters. Wrapping up January, Billie was with a lovely and very active family for a couple of weeks. She went to a couple of professional sporting events and was a rock star. Billie listened and responded well to cues with many loud noises and lots of people around. She wasn’t startled, excited or scared by these stimulated surroundings.
Upon returning to her raiser family, she was in heat, which meant a little less excitement. Billie did really well during February while in heat. Unfortunately, we were unable to attend regular classes and walks were limited to on leash only with minimal to no other dog interaction. Billie worked on basic commands and played in the yard to ensure she stayed active and engaged.
Billie spent a week in BC, and the weather was amazing, she got lots of outdoor time on a frozen lake while her raiser family skated and walked.
The last week of February was spent with another PADS volunteer. This was a great experience in an apartment building setting. Going out for walks and toileting meant using an elevator and waiting.
Billie enjoyed her time with her new sitter friends and wants to thank them for the time, attention and love she received.
Submitted by: Bev Kovaks