Well, I have lots of big news this month. On September 3rd, I had my first birthday! The very next day I moved in with my new people, so I got a special birthday treat and a new toy to celebrate. Since then, I have been busy adapting to my new routines. I have really enjoyed walking on lots of new trails and taking in the new sights and especially the new smells. It seems that I am a bit “nosey” at times. I have visited lots of new stores and spent time in the local mall. My new people seem to think that I am pretty good at this as I remain quite engaged with them as we walk around. I went out for dinner at a place right beside the lake. The views were lovely but I have to admit that I had a little trouble getting comfortable and staying down. I did much better at the local library where I stopped by to catch up on my reading – haha.
I also attended a fundraising event at a local CO-OP gas station where they generously donated a portion of each litre of gas sold to PADS. I am proud to say that I can settle very nicely at home and I think my new people are really enjoying having me here.
Submitted by: Pam & Rob McGregor