
Happy Paw-lidays!

Wow! These humans sure know how to stay busy in December. I could write pages about all the new experiences and adventures I went on during this month.

My work days at school became busier and more entertaining. The humans seemed to get more excited as the month went on. I helped my human students decorate their classroom door after we all did a craft where we took a photo to put ourselves in a snow globe! Unfortunately, we cannot share student photos like that – but rest assured, I got to be in a snow globe too!

More recently, I have loved all my time at home with the little humans who are home on something they call ‘winter break’. PLUS, new visitors are coming and going all the time. I have been told that I have been excellent at staying on my bed and not being crazy excited when people come to the door. This isn’t something my raisers have had to teach me, I just seem to come by it naturally. New people are often surprised I’m in the house! While everyone has been home, we have been able to go on walks and hikes in new places. The kids like to toboggan a lot. I like to supervise.

Apparently, Christmas also means presents!! I am the proud owner of a new light-up collar for early morning and evening walks, and a pretty matching collar and leash. I also have a much shorter leash for training time. PLUS the little humans gave me a new extra-complicated dog food puzzle. I feel confident that I’ll have it mastered in no time. My raisers had a LOT of people over on Christmas day. I was able to join the feast and dig into a lovely kibble and peanut butter stuffed kong. Delish!!

Just as the month wrapped up, I was able to go listen to (couldn’t see – I was under the seats, tucked in like a good girl) A Christmas Carol put on by Theatre Calgary. I gave it a rating of two paws up! I even got to say hi to another PADS pup-in-training at the show (just a quick one… it’s tricky for me to be on my best behaviour around other dogs still).

Until next YEAR!

Submitted by: Lindsay & Michael McWilliam