
Wow! October has been quite the month for me. I started off the month by showing off my love of all people as I made a move into a big, busy household with four children. Yes! Apparently, these humans do indeed come in all shapes and sizes!

I did get to go on my first camping trip (so much outdoor time – loved it!) and have been cruising the halls of a large high school with my raiser. I have been very good at ignoring all the good-smelling goodies the students sometimes leave on the floor, and let me tell you, that is a TRICKY thing to do, especially if we walk by the cafeteria after lunchtime. I have been rewarded with lots of cuddles and kibble, however. I have made several new friends as well who go out of their way to pop into my classroom to say hello.

This month I’ve been doing LOTS of growing. It’s been a bit uncomfortable for me at times, but I’ve used the opportunity to really get good at knowing where “bed” is, and am becoming an expert at settling. Now that I think we’ve got that sorted out, I’m excited to get back to my usual activity levels and work on coming back really quickly when I’m called.

Oh – how could I forget? I did celebrate my first Halloween, and was a very bee-tiful greeter. The students said they would have voted me for best costume if only I had been allowed the chocolate prize. I have done a great job being out and about in really busy and social settings though and showing I can handle transitions well. I’ll take that as a compliment and let the photos share the rest of the story!

Until next month!
~ Blair

PS – Snow!! How could I forget the snow? I also got to see, feel (and taste, if I’m being honest) snow this month! See? I told you it was a jam-packed month!

Submitted by: Lindsay