
August brought Blazer some fun days of exploring new places. He accompanied us when we picked up our son’s birthday cake from Made By Marcus Ice Cream, and they gave him a special treat in the form of an ice cream pup cup. He ate it all and looked for more when it was done. Blazer is always excited when family comes to visit and gets to see everyone at the birthday dinner.

Blazer spent a couple of hours at Bowness Park doing some in-puppy training with PADS Astro and PADS Shah. He hasn’t had the opportunity to spend a lot of time around other dogs, and this outing helped him begin to work on neutrality around them. He still has a way to go, but each experience gets him a little closer to where he should be.

We spent a day in Kananaskis, starting with lunch on the patio of the Kananaskis Golf Course. The day was gorgeous, and the view spectacular. Blazer was on his best behaviour while we enjoyed our lunch and won everyone over who saw him. We took him for a little splash time in Lower Kananaskis Lake, and while we were packing up to leave, someone informed us that there was a rather large bear foraging in the shrubbery just above our car. Needless to say, we loaded Blazer into the car as quickly as possible and moved on.

Blazer attended his third in-person puppy class this month and did very well, considering how few he’s had. He is ending the month with a bit of a break from us to stay with a sitter while we go away for a bit. I’m sure he will have lots of new and exciting experiences, and we look forward to hearing about them when we return.

Submitted by: Tracey