Good morning, Brinks reporting in.
This month has been quieter than last month, we haven’t had all the medical appointments like we did last month. So, we have been able to enjoy the fall colours and crisp days. Lots of sniffy walks, my absolute favourite thing to do, training sessions, and hanging out at mom’s work or home.
This month was my birthday I turned one year old. I am officially an adult now. We attended a golf tournament on that day. Mostly, I just got to watch things, but at the end of the day, I got some time off leash with some other PADS dogs and we had a short play at the golf course.
I have taught myself some new tricks. I love to take a toy and go to the top of the stairs, drop the toy and watch as it plunks down the stairs, then I go after it. My second trick is to meet my dad at the door when he comes home, take his lunch kit or his gym bag and bring it to mom to show her dad is home. The gym bag is tricky as it’s large and doesn’t fit through some areas so I have to think about what to do. I am SO Proud of myself that I am helping my family. Mom says my eyes light up and I just wiggle everywhere. I have always helped my mom when something hits the floor, I pick it up and hand it to her. The cats are particularly messy, or I think they are helping me improve my talent, for they like to push things off from wherever they are allowed to go. I don’t get any treats for doing this, mom just says thank you, I continue to do it because I really like helping.
That’s my news for this month, Brinks out.
Submitted by: Tina