Bruni continues to be a total rockstar. The month started out with a case of kennel cough. All she wanted to do during this time was cuddle, it was so unlike her and marvellous. Ever since then, she has stepped up her cuddle game. Once she was better, we were able to resume adventuring and going on outings to new places in public. We even met a lady who was the first hearing client of PADS, she simply adored Bruni.

Towards the end of the month, we had a variety of advanced dogs rotate through our doors. This has been helpful for Bruni as it has given us moments to work on dog distraction. She is proving that she is quite capable of checking in and “”switching off”” when they are around, it is fantastic! She also thinks that each one that pops by is her squishy pillow.

Lately, she also got to spend time with Allie, Val’s raiser. This was a great formational experience as she got to experience “”city life.”” It freaked her out at first but she proved to be quite resilient.

Submitted by: Ryleigh Jacobs & Caleb Vanderleek