For the most part, she was recovering from her spay doing absolutely nothing for two weeks. It was tough for this go-getter to just chill but was a good learning opportunity for her. It was, however, fun to see her get really excited about wearing her cape and training again once she was fully recovered. Her very first outing after her spay was to accompany us to get our second vaccines– what an exciting time. People there truly appreciated having her present. She still gets excited each time we pull out her cape which warms our heart.
For June, we had many 8-12 week pups rotating through our doors. Bruni was incredible with them. While at times she would be grumpy with them, she always cared for them if they whined and played with them gently. We also used this opportunity to work on cues with distractions — so helpful!
Submitted by: Caleb Vanderleek & Ryleigh Jacobs