If Bruni could tell us how her March was, we are sure she would tell us it was a little bit boring. Bruni was in heat, so she could not do much. On top of that, all her “siblings” left, and she became an only child again. She was, however, certainly appreciative of the sunny days and springtime. Any time the sun was out, she would follow any sliver of sun in our suite and lay in it. Naturally, when we are outside, she is the first to plop herself in the sun and watch the world move on by around her.
We enjoyed it just being the three of us for most of the month. We definitely are grateful for the loyal pup Bruni is and her desire to work hard. She was so enthusiastic during one of her training sessions that she even broke the perch pot when she jumped on it. We managed to do a lot of training during this time, and we are excited to continue with Bruni on her journey. Next month, it is back to school!
Submitted by: Ryleigh Jacobs & Caleb Vanderleek