Bruni continues to light up the world of so many students. All students, regardless of their state of mind, seek her out in the hallways, eager to see Bruni. AND she is now loving the cuddles — she used to just tolerate them, haha! A humorous story from a grade 6 student was when he shared with me that he had his first kiss. In shock, I responded, “oh wow, buddy!” and he said, “don’t worry, it was a kiss from Bruni; girls are still gross.”
Bruni is also getting used to having a group of advanced dogs around her again, as she had Levi and Dennis visiting on weekends. We have also been making sure to go to high-intensity areas like hockey games, golfing and basketball games to support Bruni in her socialization.
Submitted by: Ryleigh Jacobs & Caleb Vanderleek