October was a huge month for socialization — if you thought September was busy… phew! Let us tell you about October. Bruni is a pandemic puppy which means she gets to experience a lot of “firsts” of late. This month included a hockey game and sports games in a gym. At the hockey game, she was fine with the loud sounds and people, but the smashing into the glass alarmed her! She is starting to settle well in these environments. She also attempted Big City life in Van; it was great to work on dog distraction here (she is crushing it!). At the Experience Van Gogh Exhibit, she was completely unfazed by anything and didn’t seem to appreciate it like we did, haha!
It seems that this month Bruni has really started to settle into herself. She is proving to be sweet, gentle and loyal but always has a pep in her step when she gets to work. At school, kids adore her, and she is a big support for many as they give presentations or need to share their worries with a trusted individual. Most exciting of all, however, is that she got to dress up as herself (Bruni, the salamander from Frozen 2) for Halloween. This handmade costume was a huge success!
Submitted by: Ryleigh Jacobs & Caleb Vanderleek