Happy howl-idays, Everypawdy!

Guess what? I got to meet Santa Paws again this month, and my hoomans told me my photo with him got turned into a Christmas card! Can you believe I was ever that smol? It feels like just yesterday I was a little pupper!

At the holiday paw-ty, I made lots of new furiends and even saw my sister, Mozza! We were both so excited to see each other—I couldn’t stop wagging my tail! But I kept my cool like a good pup and greeted her with my eyes only (hoomans’ rules!).

Even with all the festivities, I’ve been working hard on my training. This month, I’ve been building my confidence by practicing jumping into the car and onto standing objects. And guess what? I can jump into the car all by myself now—no extra help needed! Woohoo! My hoomans are so proud, and my aunts always say how much I’ve grown every time they see me.

One day, I hope to be as big and calm as my furiend Comox—he’s the best role model! I can’t wait to see what adventures are coming next.

Paws and kisses,
Buddy II

Submitted by: Tina L.