Happy August Everyone!

I kicked off this month with one of our awesome Okanagan Puppy sitters. I got to hang out with cats and kids and even a working PADS dog! My puppy sitter was brave enough to try and take me paddle boarding, and I’m pleased to say that neither of us took any unexpected dips in the lake.

Once I returned to my puppy raisers, the adventures continued. I got to take my first ride on the boat! I was a little unsure at first, but I gained my sea (lake) legs pretty quickly, plus I looked absolutely fabulous in my orange life jacket.

I’ve been working hard this month on my behaviour at human appointments. I’m not the biggest fan of sitting still and “doing nothing”, but I’m happy to say that I managed to sleep through an entire hour-long massage appointment without making a peep. Huge Win!

We wrapped up this month with a day at the Interior Provincial Exhibition. Mum was a little nervous going in as I am by far the youngest pup she’s taken, but I handled everything like a champ. My favourite things were the animal barns (they smelled delicious) and the baking display (also delicious), and everyone was extremely impressed by how unfazed I was by all the novel sights and sounds.

Well, that wraps up this month, as I’m headed to another sitter for a few days at the start of September, and then I’m told I get to experience the start of hockey season. All my predecessors have been loyal hockey fans so hopefully, I enjoy it as much as they all did.

Enjoy the rest of your Summer!


Submitted by: Sarah Markson