She has now figured out that if she does a down and roll, she may get a tummy rub so we are finding her flopped down everywhere just waiting!
For training, Cannoli has had several rides on Canada Line, as well as visits to an independent seniors living complex including staying for meals. We are still working on Stand, Go Through, and Chin. We went to E-Comm (the 911 service in Metro Vancouver) for a de-stress event; she was good there. We also did a training trip to the YMCA, including walking around the pool deck. Swimmers come over to see her.
She loves to go to the dog park or the off-leash trails at Pacific Spirit Park. It is not unusual to meet other PADS pups there and they all have a wonderful time playing “catch me if you can”. There was a winter solstice parade outside our windows in Yaletown, and there were fireworks, Cannoli did not even seem to notice the noise or lights of the fireworks.
Cannoli is doing so well with everything that we ask her to do we are confident she will go on to be an awesome service dog.
Submitted By: Joan Foster and Jonathan Kline