CANNOLI has definitely found her rhythm at trainer Lisa’s place and she has figured out what Lisa’s pet dog tiny terrier Laila demands in her space – a restful and peaceful house. None of that shenanigan stuff. She had an activated energy level at the beginning because everything was so new. Now we see the real her that is chill and enjoys going to her bed at night. She is such an affectionate dog and had decided she likes to lay on trainer Lisa’s feet – nice and close.
- Skills being learned: Leash retrieve, durations, sit for petting, rear end awareness
- Recent field trips: Parks, lake, mall, grocery store, school
- Possible behavior challenges: Pulls away from handler when she wants attention, biddability
- Advanced training location: Lower Mainland – Satellite
- Potential career path: Assistance Dog
Thank you again for all your support of Advanced Dog Cannoli!
Submitted by: Advanced Trainer Lisa Davis