Cashew had a big end to the summer this August. He accompanied his raiser to Whistler with his best non Pads friend Ollie, the labradoodle. They ran on trails, swam in lakes, and had lots of naps. Cashew no longer needs a lifejacket to swim and is thinking about joining the next Olympics for team Canada.
Cashew continues to come to the office with his raiser transiting on the bus and the SkyTrain. He’s always a hit and on his best behaviour. He’s getting much better at staying in a down for the duration of the ride, something that used to be a struggle when he was younger.
Cashew got to spend some time with his favourite sitter this month. While with her, he got to meet his sister Pecan. See if you’re able to tell who is who in the photo! He came with her to a fundraising event for PADS MOVE and did very well settling in a restaurant while everyone ate.
Later in the month at the dog park, we ran into another PADS doggo, and Cashew had the time of his life playing.
As much fun as Cashew had this summer; he is a fall and winter doggo at heart-mostly because the heat doesn’t agree with him. He is very grateful to have no longer to wear his cooling vest on long walks, but at the same time, he isn’t too happy about this rain!
Submitted by: Megan