In August, I got back into study session support dog mode while my human was studying for a course. I went to all her study sessions and I provided lots of entertainment for her and her friends. It was also a good way for me to practice my settling skills as I’ll be going back to full time uni lectures in a few days.
Throughout the month, I also went on lots of group puppy outings in Cape and loads of fun off-leash play dates. I met some new puppy friends on some of these outings and had so much fun with all the pups. I have gotten really good at settling in restaurants with many dogs under the table around me.
I also went to the movie theatre for the first time! Taj and I brought a group of our humans to see “It Ends With Us.” I was a super good boy and slept for most of the movie. Surprisingly, I didn’t try to eat anything off the ground during the movie, even though the tempting smell of popcorn was everywhere!
Now my raiser and I are getting ready to go back to university. I’m looking forward to going to Campus Canines club events again and saying hi to all the new and returning members. September should be fun!
– Casper
Submitted by: Sophie Pantel