Hi friends!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I’ve had a great month of December with lots of new adventures.
I started out the month going to university lectures with my raiser as per usual. But then we stopped going after about a week because the term finished! Then I had to be a chill supportive boy as my human studied for finals and finished assignments. I went to lots of study sessions with her and spent many evenings sleeping in her lap as she studied.
But I was ready for a new adventure because all that relaxing got a bit boring. So I was hyped to get a new housemate! My puppy-raising predecessor Tio came to visit us, and we got to have 5 back-to-back sleepovers! It was great. At first, I was a bit too excited to have a friend so we did lots of training on settling and calmness inside, and we got to go on nice trail walks together to get the sillies out. We became great friends and enjoyed many games of tug and bitey face.
I also had fun with my Campus Canines buddies at our last puppy class of the year. My besties and I wore matching Christmas pyjamas and the Campus pups exchanged Secret Santa gifts!
Once my human finished all her exams, we headed off on a holiday trip to visit her family. I went on a plane again (my 5th time flying) and by now I’m a pro flyer. I behaved super well on the plane and in the airport even though there were lots of pet dogs travelling too. There was even a little dog in a carrier under the seat behind me, meaning we were face-to-face on the plane! But I impressed my raiser and just totally ignored the dog and went to sleep! I’m such a good grown-up pup.
Then, for the holidays, I got to stay with my dog friend Koda! With all the practice I got this month, I’ve gotten quite good at settling with other dogs in the house. I had a wonderful Christmas and I loooooved to shred the wrapping paper and open my gifts all on my own. I got some great new stuffies! I joined many big Christmas gatherings where I got loads of settling and greeting practice. And I rocked it! I tend to find greetings quite exciting, sometimes too much, but I did super well at these gatherings, meeting lots of new people of all ages.
We also celebrate my gotcha day on December 22nd. I’ve been with my raiser for a year! It goes by so fast!
I will soon be heading back to Vancouver and starting up a new term at university. I’ve had a great holiday season and I hope you all have as well!
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
– Casper
Submitted by: Sophie Pantel