Hi friends!
This month started off with snow, which was a great surprise! That means my raiser and I got a couple of days off of school. I got to play in the snow and catch snowballs. I had so much fun! Then, it was back to school, where I settled perfectly.
My raiser had the audacity to dress me up for Valentine’s Day again this year, which I didn’t appreciate but tolerated it for the photoshoot and happily wore my Valentine’s bandana to class. Later in the month, she also made me another new jacket. I’m really developing quite a fashionable wardrobe, soon I’ll need my own closet!
I got to stay with three sitters this month because my raiser went on a trip and had some important interviews where she said my input wouldn’t have been appreciated, rude right? I did great going to sitters, which was a big step forward for me, as I used to go a bit cray-cray with new handlers.
Other than that, I had some fun trail walks with my friends and dressed up for Pink Shirt Day. This month, I’ve also been working on improving my “side” and “here” and learning to differentiate between the two.
I ended the month getting my vaccines and doing my GDBart assessment. My raiser says I’m growing up so fast. I put on my good-boy behaviour for my GDBart and got good feedback! One step closer to advanced training, and to becoming an assistance dog!
– Casper
Submitted by: Sophie Pantel